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E-commerce Platform Analysis

Platform Comparison Exercise: E-commerce Platform Analysis


This exercise is designed to deepen participants’ understanding of the strengths, weaknesses, and best use cases for various e-commerce platforms.

By comparing platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento, BigCommerce, and Squarespace, groups will analyze and present their findings on the most suitable platform for different business scenarios.


  • Divide Participants into Groups: Assign each group a set of e-commerce platforms to research and compare. Ensure each group has access to resources or briefs on each platform.
  • Define Business Scenarios: Create diverse business scenarios that cover a range of industries, business sizes, and specific needs (e.g., a small artisan shop wanting to go online, a large retailer looking for global expansion).

Instructions for Groups

  1. Research Assigned Platforms: Investigate the features, pricing, scalability, ease of use, and support offered by each assigned e-commerce platform. Pay special attention to any unique selling points that might benefit specific business types.
  2. Analyze Based on Scenarios: For each business scenario provided, discuss and decide which e-commerce platform would be the best fit based on the business’s needs, goals, and constraints. Consider factors such as:
    • Budget and pricing structure
    • Technical skill requirements
    • Customization capabilities
    • Integration options (e.g., payment gateways, shipping, social media)
    • Support and community resources
  3. Prepare a Presentation: Compile your findings into a clear, concise presentation. For each scenario, provide a rationale for your platform choice, highlighting how its features align with the business’s requirements.

Presentation Points

  • Introduction: Briefly introduce the platforms you analyzed and the criteria you considered in your evaluation.
  • Scenario Analysis: For each business scenario, present your recommended platform and explain why it is the most suitable choice. Include any potential drawbacks or considerations.
  • Comparative Insights: Offer insights into how different platforms serve various business needs and discuss any trends or patterns you observed in your analysis.
  • Conclusion: Summarize key takeaways from your comparison, including any recommendations for businesses on how to choose an e-commerce platform.


  • After the presentations, facilitate a debrief session where participants can discuss their insights and reflect on how the choice of an e-commerce platform can significantly impact a business’s online success. Encourage participants to share any surprises or new understandings they gained through the exercise.

This exercise not only enhances participants’ knowledge of e-commerce platforms but also hones their ability to match business needs with platform capabilities.

It underscores the importance of careful platform selection as a foundational step in creating a successful online store.

Target Market Workshop: Creating Customer Personas


This workshop is designed to guide participants through the process of creating detailed customer personas for hypothetical products.

By understanding the characteristics, needs, and preferences of their target market, participants can develop more effective marketing strategies tailored to these personas.


  • Divide Participants into Groups: Each group is assigned a hypothetical product or product category. Products should vary to cover a broad range of consumer needs and interests.
  • Provide Persona Templates: Distribute customer persona templates that include sections for demographic details, interests, behaviors, challenges, and motivations.

Instructions for Groups

  1. Research and Brainstorming: Start with a brainstorming session to identify the potential target market for your assigned product. Consider factors such as age, gender, income level, lifestyle, and interests.
  2. Develop Customer Personas: Using the information from your brainstorming session, fill in the persona template for at least two distinct customer personas who would be interested in your product. For each persona, specify:
    • Demographics: Age, gender, occupation, income level, etc.
    • Interests and Lifestyle: Hobbies, values, lifestyle choices.
    • Behavioral Traits: Shopping habits, product usage patterns.
    • Challenges and Pain Points: Problems they face that your product can solve.
    • Motivations and Goals: What drives their purchase decisions?
  3. Discuss Marketing Strategies: For each persona, discuss and outline marketing strategies that could effectively reach and engage them. Consider:
    • Channels: Which digital or traditional marketing channels (social media, email, content marketing, etc.) are most likely to reach this persona?
    • Messaging: What type of messaging will resonate with each persona? How can you communicate your product’s value in a way that addresses their challenges or goals?
    • Engagement Tactics: Consider loyalty programs, promotions, or personalized content that would appeal to the persona.
  4. Prepare a Presentation: Summarize your customer personas and proposed marketing strategies in a presentation. Be ready to explain how your strategies are tailored to the specific needs and preferences of each persona.

Presentation Points

  • Introduction: Brief overview of the assigned product and the importance of targeting specific customer segments.
  • Customer Personas: Presentation of each persona, highlighting their key characteristics and why they are a good fit for the product.
  • Marketing Strategies: Detailed discussion of the marketing strategies developed for each persona, including rationale for channel selection and messaging.
  • Q&A: Allow time for questions and feedback from other participants and facilitators.


  • Reflection on Personas: Discuss the value of creating detailed customer personas in developing effective marketing strategies. Encourage participants to share insights gained through this process.
  • Strategy Evaluation: Facilitators and peers provide constructive feedback on the proposed marketing strategies, suggesting improvements or alternative approaches.

Creating detailed customer personas is a crucial step in developing targeted marketing strategies.

This workshop emphasizes the need to understand the target market deeply to craft messages and campaigns that resonate.

Participants leave with practical experience in persona creation and tailored marketing strategy development, skills essential for successful marketing planning.

Product Selection Debate: Niche vs. Broad Market Approaches


This debate aims to explore the merits and challenges of adopting a niche versus a broad market approach in product selection for e-commerce businesses.

Participants will engage in a structured argument to understand the strategic implications of each approach and their potential impact on business success.


  • Divide Participants into Teams: Form two teams, one advocating for a niche market approach and the other for a broad market approach. If the group is large, consider multiple debates or a panel-style discussion.
  • Research and Preparation Time: Allow teams time to research and prepare their arguments. Encourage them to consider aspects such as market competition, customer loyalty, brand identity, scalability, and risk management.

Debate Structure

  1. Opening Statements (5 minutes per team): Each team presents their initial arguments in favor of their assigned approach.
  2. Rebuttal Round (3 minutes per team): Teams respond to the opposing team’s opening statements, challenging their arguments with counterpoints.
  3. Question and Answer Session (10 minutes): The facilitator and audience pose questions to both teams, seeking clarification and deeper insights into their positions.
  4. Closing Statements (3 minutes per team): Teams summarize their key points and make a final appeal to the audience.

Key Points to Consider

  • Market Saturation and Competition: How does each approach deal with market competition? Is it easier to stand out in a niche market?
  • Customer Loyalty and Engagement: Which approach is more likely to build strong customer loyalty and engagement?
  • Brand Identity and Messaging: How does each approach affect the clarity and consistency of brand messaging?
  • Risk and Investment: Consider the risk factors and initial investment required for each approach. Is a niche market less risky?
  • Scalability: How scalable is each approach? Can a niche product selection evolve into a broader market strategy over time?

Guidelines for Participants

  • Use Evidence: Support your arguments with data, case studies, or real-life examples.
  • Stay Respectful: Maintain a respectful tone towards the opposing team and their viewpoints.
  • Be Concise: Make your points clearly and succinctly to maximize the impact of your arguments.
  • Listen Actively: Listen to the opposing team’s arguments to identify points of contention and areas for rebuttal.


  • Reflect on the Debate: Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each approach as revealed during the debate. What were the most compelling arguments on each side?
  • Personal Insights: Participants share their personal takeaways and whether the debate influenced their perspective on product selection strategies.
  • Facilitator Summary: Summarize the debate, highlighting the importance of understanding one’s market, goals, and resources when choosing a product selection strategy.

This debate facilitates a deep dive into the strategic decision-making process behind product selection in e-commerce.

By weighing the advantages and challenges of niche versus broad market approaches, participants can better appreciate the complexities of market positioning and the critical role it plays in building a successful online store.

Branding Workshop: Crafting a Brand Identity for an Online Store


This workshop aims to guide participants through the process of developing a comprehensive brand identity for a hypothetical online store.

Teams will work on creating a unique brand name, logo, color scheme, typography, and website design mockups, focusing on cohesion and market appeal.

The goal is to underscore the importance of a strong, consistent brand identity in attracting and retaining customers in the competitive e-commerce landscape.


  • Divide Participants into Teams: Assign each team a specific product category or target market for their hypothetical online store to ensure diversity in branding approaches.
  • Provide Branding Resources: Offer access to resources such as logo design tools (e.g., Canva, Adobe Spark), color scheme generators (e.g., Coolors, Adobe Color), and website mockup tools (e.g., Sketch, Figma).

Branding Elements to Develop

  1. Brand Name: Brainstorm a catchy, memorable brand name that reflects the essence of the online store and appeals to the target market.
  2. Logo Design: Create a logo that represents the brand visually. Consider simplicity, memorability, and versatility across different mediums.
  3. Color Scheme: Choose a color scheme that conveys the brand’s personality and values. Colors evoke emotions and associations, so select them strategically.
  4. Typography: Select typography that complements the brand’s style and is legible across digital platforms.
  5. Website Design Mockups: Design basic mockups for the online store’s homepage and a product page. Focus on layout, navigation, and how the brand identity is reflected in the design.

Workshop Activities

  1. Brand Identity Brainstorming: Teams discuss and decide on their brand’s core values, personality, and unique selling proposition. This foundation will guide the development of the brand’s visual elements.
  2. Design Creation: Utilize the provided tools and resources to create the brand’s visual elements. Encourage creativity and experimentation.
  3. Website Design Planning: Sketch out ideas for the website’s structure and user experience. Consider how to best showcase the brand identity and products through the site’s design.
  4. Presentation Preparation: Each team prepares a presentation of their brand identity, including the rationale behind their choices and how they expect these elements to resonate with their target market.

Presentation and Feedback

  • Brand Identity Presentation: Teams present their brand name, logo, color scheme, typography, and website design mockups. Emphasize how each element contributes to a cohesive brand identity.
  • Peer Review: After each presentation, allow time for feedback from other participants. Encourage constructive criticism and suggestions for refinement.
  • Facilitator Feedback: Provide professional insights on the brand identities presented, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement.


  • Reflect on Branding Process: Discuss the challenges and insights gained during the branding process. What were the key considerations in developing a brand identity?
  • Importance of Cohesion: Emphasize the importance of maintaining consistency across all brand elements and touchpoints for building brand recognition and loyalty.
  • Applying Learnings: Encourage participants to think about how they can apply the principles and techniques learned in the workshop to real-world branding projects.

This workshop demonstrates the critical role of a well-defined brand identity in establishing and differentiating an online store in the market.

Through hands-on activities and constructive feedback, participants gain practical experience in brand development, from conceptualization to visual execution, preparing them to tackle branding challenges in their e-commerce ventures.