Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Analyzing and Optimizing Performance

Introduction to Performance Analysis Importance of Regular Performance Reviews in E-commerce Marketing Regular performance reviews are vital in e-commerce marketing for several reasons: Data-Driven Decisions: They provide valuable insights into what strategies and tactics are working, allowing businesses to make informed decisions based on…

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Checkout Simplification

E-commerce Platform Analysis

Platform Comparison Exercise: E-commerce Platform Analysis Objective This exercise is designed to deepen participants’ understanding of the strengths, weaknesses, and best use cases for various e-commerce platforms. By comparing platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento, BigCommerce, and Squarespace, groups will analyze and present their findings…

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Social Commerce

Innovative E-commerce Business Models Part 2

Social Commerce: Transforming Social Media into Sales Channels Introduction Social commerce represents the fusion of e-commerce with social media, transforming platforms originally designed for connection and communication into dynamic marketplaces. This evolution allows businesses to leverage influencer partnerships, social media ads, and integrated shopping…

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Sustainable Supply Chain Model

Designing Sustainable Packaging

Workshop: Designing Sustainable Packaging for Online Retail Objective This workshop aims to engage participants in the practical design of sustainable packaging solutions for online retail products. The focus is on creating packaging that minimizes waste, utilizes sustainable materials, and maintains product integrity during shipping….

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Personalization Strategies

Loyalty Program Design

Workshop: Design a Loyalty Program for “EcoFriendly Gear” Objective The goal of this workshop is for participants to design a comprehensive loyalty program for “EcoFriendly Gear,” a hypothetical e-commerce brand specializing in sustainable outdoor equipment. The program should reflect the brand’s commitment to sustainability,…

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